ISSN 2375-1185
Research Article
Effect of salinity and drought stresses on growth parameters, essential oil constituents and yield in peppermint*Lech G. Polanski, Andrew Khanifar and Witold Tadeusz
Page: 356 - 361
African Journal of Agronomy Article
Sweetpotato slip planting density and slip length optimization for mass production of quality planting material in smallholder farm settingsMeshack Mwenda, Rogers Kakuhenzire, Fredrick Grant and John Kalaye
Page: 333 - 345
African Journal of Agronomy Article
Evaluation of polyhalite in comparison to muriate of potash for corn grain yield in the Southern Highlands of TanzaniaZacharia Malley*, Mohamadi K Mzimbiri, Kiran Pavuluri, Robert Meakin, Timothy D Lewis
Page: 325 - 332
African Journal of Agronomy Article
A study of auto-regressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model used for forecasting the production of tomato in BangladeshTofael Osman, Aziz Chowdhury and Hannan Ramesh Chandra
Page: 301 - 309
African Journal of Agronomy Article
A study of the effect of economic policy variables on domestic supply of cashew and the prospects for diversification to agro-industryPaul Afolabi and Adeniyi Adebayo, Victor Olusegun
Page: 310 - 324
African Journal of Agronomy Article
A study of factors that determine decision to participate in grain amaranth marketing and factors which influence the level of participationPeters Basudde and Mayiga Kigozi, James Rugunda
Page: 293 - 300
African Journal of Agronomy Article
The tolerance of winter wheat amitrole (TRITICUM AESTIVUM L.) to tankmixes of glyphosate with to glyphosate tankmixesSeth J. Kiefer and Pierre Maslany, Joni Safer Rogen*, Micheal Ryan Sutherland
Page: 288 - 292
African Journal of Agronomy Article
Efficacy of herbicide (pyroxasulfone 85WG) in combination with previously existing herbicides used for weed managementWasim Asif Bhutto*, Asif Malala Pervez and Ali Z. Shahid, Mehdi A. Javed
Page: 280 - 287
African Journal of Agronomy Article
Planting patterns and nutrient management of fertilizer N and P for maximization of productivity of maize/faba beanEjegayehu H. Isaac and Ephraim H. Miruts, Teddy F. Wolde*
Page: 269 - 279
African Journal of Agronomy Article
Effect of Malathion and Sevin on Radish growthHaitham Bol Nemeiry, Gaafar C. Ismail*, Alexander Ahmed and Abdalla Bas, Mauute Daw Eltayeb
Page: 264 - 268
African Journal of Agronomy