International Journal of Medical Sociology and Anthropology

ISSN 2756-3820

Table of Contents in 2022

Research Article

Hepatitis A vaccination among human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV)-infected adults: Current evidence and unanswered questions

Mari M. Kitahata and Robert D. Harrington, H. Nina Kim, Christian Ramers, Shireesha Dhanireddy, Timothy H. Dellit, Heidi M. Crane*

Page: 1 - 11

International Journal of Medical Sociology and Anthropology

Research Article

Presentation of a fast solution for solving HIV-infection dynamics and chemotherapy optimization based on fuzzy: AVK method

H. Chahk, i Nejad*, H. Ghiasi Zadeh

Page: 1 - 8

International Journal of Medical Sociology and Anthropology

Research Article

Screening of phytochemical from ethnomedicinal plants in Malaysia for use against toxigenic Aspergillus flavus

M. A*, I. B, S and Jaganath, Zainal Abidin, Kamaruzaman , D , Yazdani , Tan , Y. H

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Medical Sociology and Anthropology

Research Article

Complementary and alternative medicine for type 2 diabetes mellitus: Role of medicinal herbs

Faraj Omar Alkizim, Duncan Mwangangi Matheka*

Page: 1 - 13

International Journal of Medical Sociology and Anthropology

Research Article

Phytochemical screening chemical composition and toxicity of Euphorbia regis-jubae (Webb & Berth)

Fouzia HMIMID, Mohammed LOUTFI and Noureddine BOURHIM*, Fatima Azzahra LAHLOU

Page: 1 - 10

International Journal of Medical Sociology and Anthropology

Research Article

Distribution, conservation and folk uses of Vaibidang (Embelia ribes Burm. f.)

Rama Shankar, B. K. Sharma and M.S.Rawat, G. S. Lavekar, Sourabh Deb

Page: 1 - 5

International Journal of Medical Sociology and Anthropology