International Journal of Medical Sociology and Anthropology

ISSN 2756-3820

Table of Contents in 2016

Research Article

Antitumor effects of cucurmosin in human chronic myeloid leukemia occur through cell cycle arrest and decrease the Bcl-2/Bax ratio to induce apoptosis

Mei Liu, Minghuang Chen, Huili Liu, Jiancheng Sun, Aiqin Yang, Wenzhong Que, Tinbo Liu, Pei Yang and Yulu Wang, Jieming Xie*

Page: 1 - 8

International Journal of Medical Sociology and Anthropology

Research Article

Leptin decreases the sensitivity of human colon cancer cell HT-29 to 5-flurouracil

Lei Shen*, Jun Sun and Liang Zhao, He-sheng Luo

Page: 1 - 6

International Journal of Medical Sociology and Anthropology


Syndemics theory and its applications to HIV/AIDS public health interventions

Matt Douglas-Vail

Page: 81 - 90

International Journal of Medical Sociology and Anthropology