ISSN 2756-3413
Research Article
Biochemical substitution of fungal xylanases for prebleaching of hardwood kraft pulpM. Palaniswamy*, J. Angayarkanni, B.V. Pradeep and K. Swaminathan
Page: 1 - 9
African Journal of Virology Research
Research Article
Investigation on modification of cassava starch using active components of ginger roots (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)Daramola , B.* and Osanyinlusi, S.A.
Page: 1 - 4
African Journal of Virology Research
Research Article
Production of functional protein hydrolysates from Egyptian breeds of soybean and lupin seedsFakhriya S. Taha and Eva Nordberg Karlsson, Ashraf A. Khalil*, Samira S. Mohamed
Page: 1 - 10
African Journal of Virology Research
Research Article
Chemical composition and insecticidal properties of the underutilized Jatropha curcas seed oilC.O. , Adebowale , K.O.* and Adedire
Page: 1 - 6
African Journal of Virology Research
Research Article
Effects of fermentation and germination on the physicochemical properties of Mucuna cochinchinensis protein isolateE. A.* and Okoronkwo, K. A., Udensi
Page: 1 - 5
African Journal of Virology Research
Research Article
Effect of modification with nitrocellulose and phenol formaldehyde resins on some performance characteristics of rubber seed oil alkydsE. U. Ikhuoria*, A. I. Aigbodion
Page: 1 - 4
African Journal of Virology Research
Research Article
Scoparia dulcis reduces the severity of Trypanosoma brucei-induced hyperlipidaemia in the rabbitOrhue , N. E. J.* and Nwanze, E. A. C.
Page: 1 - 5
African Journal of Virology Research
Research Article
Production, purification and partial characterization of lipase from Trichoderma VirideM. Akram Kashmiri, Ahmad Adnan* and Beenish Waseem Butt
Page: 1 - 5
African Journal of Virology Research
Research Article
Evaluation for the retention of reproductive structures by Bt and non-Bt intra hirsutum cotton hybrids in different sowing dates and spacingsS.L. Ahuja
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African Journal of Virology Research
Research Article
Azide-based mutagenesis suppresses Striga hermonthica seed germination and parasitism on maize varietiesS. Kiruki*, L .A. Onek and M. Limo
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African Journal of Virology Research