African Journal of Agronomy

ISSN 2375-1185

Table of Contents in 2019

Research Article

Cross compatibility between Lilium x fomolongi group and Lilium.brownii

Jong Hwa Kim*, Behzad asl Hamid

Page: 1 - 10

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Opportunities and constraints of tomato production in Eritrea

Samuel Asgedom, Paul C. Struik*, Ep Heuvelink and Woldeamlak Araia

Page: 1 - 12

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Behavior of aluminum adsorption on cell wall of pineapple root apices

Yong-Hong Lin*, Jen-Hshuan Chen

Page: 1 - 7

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

The effects of different planting densities on seed yield and quantitative traits of rainfed chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties

Soheil Kobraee and Behrooz Rasekhi, Keyvan Shamsi*

Page: 1 - 5

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Agronomic suitability of effective micro-organisms for tomato production

Lindani Ncube, Pearson Nyari S. Mnkeni* and Marc Olivier Brutsch

Page: 1 - 5

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Productivity of cassava/okra intercropping systems as influenced by okra planting density

E.U. Mbah, C.O. Muoneke

Page: 1 - 9

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Assessment of selection techniques in genotype X environment interaction in cowpea Vigna unguiculata (L.) walp

C. O. and O. J. Ariyo and Adewale, B. D., Aremu

Page: 1 - 4

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Effect of maize planting density on the performance of maize/soybean intercropping system in a guinea savannah agroecosystem

C.O. Muoneke*, M.A.O. Ogwuche and B.A. Kalu

Page: 1 - 11

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Enhanced UV-B radiation alters basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) growth and stimulates the synthesis of volatile oils

Xianmin Chang*, Peter G. Alderson and Charles J. Wright

Page: 1 - 5

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

The effect of light on ROS-scavenging systems and lipid peroxidation under cold conditions in saffron (Crocus sativus L.)

E. Esfandiari, A. Bahmani and M. A. Aazami, S. S. Alavi-Kia*

Page: 1 - 5

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Application and evaluation of the DSSAT-wheat in the Tiaret region of Algeria

W. Rezzoug*, A. Suleiman and K. Benabdeli, B. Gabrielle

Page: 1 - 13

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Residual effects of relay-cropped mucuna and lablab on maize and bean yields in northwest Kenya

E. M. Nyambati*, M. Eilitta and J. G. Mureithi, L. E. Sollenberger

Page: 1 - 10

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Genetic variation of leaf antioxidants and chlorophyll content in safflower

A. M. Rezaei, A. Arzani, Z. Yarali and M. Yousefi, P. Golkar*

Page: 1 - 8

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Genetic analysis of grain yield and some agronomic traits in hulless barley

E. Akhundova, R. Eshghi*

Page: 1 - 11

African Journal of Agronomy

Short Communication

Histochemical studies of some Nigerian species of Aneilema R. BR. (Commelinaceae): An under growth of rubber plantation

Ogbebor O. N*, Edeoga H. O

Page: 1 - 3

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Assessment of drought tolerance in segregating populations in durum wheat

A. Arzani*, and S. A. M. Mirmohammadi Maibody, M. Golabadi

Page: 1 - 10

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Participatory variety selection and characterization of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) elite accessions from Malawian gene pool using farmer and breeder knowledge

K. K. Nkongolo*, L. Chinthu, M. Malusi and Z. Vokhiwa, K. K.

Page: 1 - 11

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Effect of different land use types and their implications on land degradation and productivity in Ogun State, Nigeria

B. A. Senjobi*, A. O. Ogunkunle

Page: 1 - 12

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Investigating Fe and Zn foliar application on yield and its components of soybean (Glycine max (L) Merr.) at different growth stages

Amir Parviz Lak, H. Kord, Faezeh Amini Mashhadi, Khodadad Mostafavi, A. R. Heidarian

Page: 1 - 9

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Effect of variety and spacing on insect pest infestations and growth of Amaranthus (Amaranthus spp.) in Alau Dam, Maiduguri, Nigeria

Degri , M. M* and Randy, S

Page: 1 - 5

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Forage yield and nutritive value of natural pastures at varying levels of maturity in North West Lowlands of Ethiopia

Binyam Kassa, Bilatu Agza*, Solomon Zewdu, Eskinder Aklilu and Ferede Alemu

Page: 1 - 7

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Combining ability for maize grain yield in striga endemic and non-endemic environments of the southern guinea savanna of Nigeria

G. Olaoye, O. B. Bello*

Page: 1 - 8

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Shifting rural women livelihood in cocoa-based system in Cote d'Ivoire by cassava-based innovation process

Bomoh Catherine EBAH-DJEDJI and Latifou IDRISSOU, Jacob NANDJUI*

Page: 1 - 12

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Evaluation of staking in a climbing bean production system as practiced by smallholder farmers in Uganda

Grace Ibingira and Isaac Eriyo, Dani Kajura

Page: 1 - 10

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

Effects of different rates of compound D and cattle manure as basal dressing with different rates of ammonium nitrate as top-dressing under wetland conditions

Peter Nkomo, Mujuru Kembo and Ndlovu Msika

Page: 1 - 8

African Journal of Agronomy

Research Article

A study of some of the quality attributes of fresh mango and pineapple fruits

James Nyalandu and Nagu Bwanamdogo, Yona Jafo

Page: 1 - 17

African Journal of Agronomy