Global Journal of Food and Agricultural Sciences

ISSN 2756-3448

Global Journal of Food and Agricultural Sciences Vol. 8 (5), pp. 001-019, May, 2021. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

A Comparative Study of Cage and Earthen Pond Culture of Oreochromis Jipe, In Lake Jipe, Taita/Taveta District, Kenya

E.C.Mwachiro1, Davies Makilla2, David K. Bett3, and Gabriel K. Ndeje4,

1Pwani University College, P.O.  Box 195-80108, Kilifi, Kenya

2Fisheries Department, P.O.Box 58187-00200, Nairobi, Kenya

3Fisheries Department, P.O.Box 683-80108, Kilifi, Kenya

4CDA, Mombasa, Kenya.

Accepted 01 August, 2020


The study focuses on cage culture of a tilapine fish Oreochromis jipe in Lake Jipe, Taita Taveta District. Tilapia fish performance in aquaculture is largely earthen pond based. Due to the increased salinity in the soil of the lake, predation and prolific production of the fish, cage culture will be preferred. Tilapia are excellent culture species partly because, they grow well on a variety of natural food organisms including plankton, benthic organisms and decomposing organic matter. Oreochromis jipe is one of the most tolerant species to most environmental water quality parameters such as high salinity, water temperature, low dissolved oxygen and high ammonia concentration. 4 fish cages measuring 5mx5mx2m depth and 4 earthen ponds of similar size were used for the study and were stocked with 5gm fish fingerlings at the average stocking density of 6 fingerlings per square meter of water. The cages were then covered with a silk mesh net cover on top to prevent predatory by aquatic birds. The fish fed daily at 5% body weight for a period of 8months when they were harvested. Water quality was assessed fortnightly so as to check on pollution in line with APHA,AWWA (2005) guidelines on water quality assessment. Socio-economic studies were conducted. The results of the study indicated a faster average growth of fish in the cages(182.11gm) than in the earthen ponds(165.18gm). The water quality is within normal range and devoid of heavy metals and is thus safe for domestic and wildlife use. Socio-economically the community depends of fisheries and its activities for livelihood.

Keywords: Cage and Earthen pound, Oreochromis Jipe, Lake Jipe, Pond culture in Kenya.