African Journal of Food Science Research

ISSN 2375-0723

African Journal of Food Science Research Vol. 2 (4), pp. 074-083, April, 2014. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

A provincial study of food safety measures in Bundelkhand region in India

Singh Jumi, Raj Vadewki and Vijay P*.

Department of Siddha Medicine, Faculty of Sciences, Tamil University, Thanjavur-10, India.

E-mail: [email protected]

Accepted 27 March, 2012


In the present study the authors have attempted to analyse the condition of food security in the Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh at district level. Bundelkhand region has been chosen as a unit of study because it is one of the poorest regions in comparison with western, central and eastern regions of the state and even after being in close proximity to heartland of green revolution (Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh) the region is still backward in agricultural development in India in general. Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy and mostly dependent on monsoonal rainfall. The Bundelkhand is continuously facing drought since last few years and people are migrating for employment. Thus, there is an urgent need to look after the conditions of food security of the people living in this region. The standard statistical techniques have been used for the analysis of data. The study concludes that the condition of food security is unfavourable. Only one district of Jalaun has shown high food security. Majority of the districts are moderate and low food secure because of low food grain availability, low purchasing power of the people, etc. The irrigation facilities are also not well developed leading to low consumption of fertilizer and low productivity of crops. Employment rate, rate of urbanization, storage capacity and number of fair prices shops are also not satisfactory leading to pitiable food security condition in the study area.

Key words: Food availability, food stability, food accessibility, food security, Bundelkhand.