International Journal of Educational Research and Reviews

ISSN 2329-9843

Table of Contents in 2014

Research Article

A review of ergonomically designed work seats; the situation of small-scale garment producers in Ghana

William Senayah and Elizabeth Ba-ama, Efua Vandyck, Seth Oppong

Page: 17 - 22

International Journal of Educational Research and Reviews

Research Article

Determinants of implementation of public procurement regulations in Kenya’s secondary schools

Mulwa Janet Kavula, Jeremiah M. Kalai and Joash Migosi

Page: 9 - 16

International Journal of Educational Research and Reviews

Research Article

The degree of secondary stage Teachers` recognition of democratic principles and the extent of practicing them in learning processes in Jordan

JAF Al-Assaf, MI Al-Kaddah

Page: 1 - 8

International Journal of Educational Research and Reviews