Advanced Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

ISSN 2756-3251

Aims and Scope

Advanced Journal of Environmental Science and Technology ISSN 7675-1686 is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that considers high profile articles for publication in all aspects of environmental science and technology.

The principal aim of the journal is to evaluate the impact of chemicals and microbiological pollutants on human health. Both in vivo and in vitro studies, focused on defining the etiology of environmentally induced illness and to increase understanding of the mechanisms by which environmental agents cause disease, are especially welcome. Investigations on the effects of global warming/climate change on the environment and public health, as well as those focused on the effects of anthropogenic activities on climate change are also of particular interest.

The Advanced Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (AJEST) aims to provide a platform for the dissemination of high-quality research in the field of environmental science and technology. This journal is dedicated to publishing original and innovative research that addresses pressing environmental issues and contributes to the development of sustainable solutions.

The scope of AJEST encompasses a wide range of topics within the field of environmental science and technology. These include, but are not limited to:

1. Environmental Pollution: AJEST welcomes research on various types of pollution, such as air pollution, water pollution, soil contamination, noise pollution, and light pollution. Studies investigating the sources, impacts, monitoring, and mitigation strategies for pollution are highly encouraged.

2. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment: This journal aims to publish studies that focus on monitoring and assessing the quality of environmental resources. This includes research on environmental monitoring techniques, data analysis methods, modeling approaches, and risk assessment methodologies.

3. Waste Management and Resource Recovery: AJEST seeks to publish research on waste management practices, including waste reduction, recycling, composting, landfill management, and waste-to-energy technologies. Additionally, studies on resource recovery from waste streams and the circular economy approach are also within the scope of this journal.

4. Environmental Health: The journal welcomes research on the impact of environmental factors on human health. This includes studies on exposure assessment, epidemiology, toxicology, risk assessment, and policy interventions related to environmental health issues.

5. Climate Change and Adaptation: AJEST encourages research on climate change mitigation strategies as well as adaptation measures to minimize the impacts of climate change. This includes studies on greenhouse gas emissions reduction, renewable energy technologies, climate change modeling, vulnerability assessments, and adaptation planning.

6. Environmental Policy and Management: The journal aims to publish research that explores policies and management strategies for sustainable development. This includes studies on environmental governance, policy analysis, environmental economics, sustainable resource management, and conservation planning.

7. Ecosystems and Biodiversity: AJEST welcomes research on the conservation and management of ecosystems and biodiversity. This includes studies on ecosystem services, biodiversity assessment, habitat restoration, ecological modeling, and the impacts of human activities on ecosystems.

8. Environmental Engineering and Technology: The journal encourages research on innovative technologies for environmental remediation, water and wastewater treatment, air pollution control, solid waste management, and sustainable infrastructure development.

AJEST is committed to promoting interdisciplinary research that integrates various scientific disciplines to address complex environmental challenges. The journal welcomes original research articles, reviews, perspectives, and short communications that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in environmental science and technology.

1. The impact of climate change on biodiversity
2. Strategies for sustainable waste management
3. The role of renewable energy in reducing greenhouse gas emissions
4. The effects of air pollution on human health
5. Advancements in water treatment technologies
6. The importance of conserving natural resources
7. The role of environmental education in promoting sustainability
8. The impact of deforestation on global carbon dioxide levels
9. The potential of green buildings in reducing energy consumption
10. The challenges and opportunities of transitioning to a circular economy
11. The role of biotechnology in environmental conservation
12. The impact of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems
13. Strategies for mitigating the effects of urbanization on the environment
14. The benefits and drawbacks of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture
15. The role of citizen science in monitoring environmental changes
16. The impact of industrial agriculture on soil degradation
17. Innovations in renewable energy storage technologies
18. The importance of sustainable transportation systems in reducing carbon emissions
19. The effects of ocean acidification on coral reefs and marine life
20. The potential of vertical farming in urban areas to increase food production sustainably

21. The role of nanotechnology in environmental remediation
22. Strategies for reducing food waste and promoting sustainable food systems
23. The impact of noise pollution on wildlife behavior and habitats
24. Innovations in solar panel technology for increased efficiency and affordability
25. The benefits and challenges of implementing carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies
26. The role of ecosystem services in supporting human well-being
27. Strategies for sustainable land use planning and management
28. The effects of microplastics on freshwater ecosystems and drinking water sources
29. Innovations in sustainable packaging materials and design
30. The potential of biofuels as a renewable energy source
31. The impact of climate change on agricultural productivity and food security
32. The role of environmental policies in promoting sustainable development
33. Strategies for conserving and restoring wetlands for biodiversity conservation
34. The effects of noise pollution on human health and well-being
35. Innovations in water desalination technologies for freshwater scarcity mitigation
36. The importance of biodiversity conservation for ecosystem resilience
37. The potential of geothermal energy as a clean and renewable energy source
38. The impact of electronic waste (e-waste) on the environment and human health
39. Strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector
40. The role of environmental monitoring systems in early detection of pollution incidents

41. The effects of climate change on global water resources and availability
42. Innovations in sustainable packaging materials and design
43. The potential of wave and tidal energy as sources of renewable power
44. The impact of deforestation on indigenous communities and cultural heritage
45. Strategies for sustainable urban planning and design
46. The effects of pesticide use on pollinators and ecosystem health
47. Innovations in carbon-neutral building materials and construction techniques
48. The role of environmental justice in addressing environmental inequalities
49. The importance of biodiversity in pharmaceutical research and development
50. The potential of hydrogen fuel cells as a clean energy alternative
51. The impact of climate change on coastal ecosystems and communities
52. Strategies for reducing plastic waste through recycling and upcycling initiatives
53. The effects of soil erosion on agricultural productivity and food security
54. Innovations in sustainable textiles and fashion industry practices
55. The role of green infrastructure in urban stormwater management
56. The importance of environmental ethics in shaping sustainable behaviors
57. The potential of bio-based plastics as alternatives to conventional plastics
58. The impact of noise pollution on bird populations and communication
59. Strategies for sustainable fisheries management and marine conservation
60. The effects of indoor air pollution on human health in urban areas

61. Innovations in carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies
62. The role of environmental NGOs in advocating for policy change
63. The importance of ecosystem-based adaptation strategies in climate change resilience
64. The potential of algae biofuels as a renewable energy source
65. The impact of urban heat islands on human health and energy consumption
66. Strategies for reducing water pollution from agricultural runoff
67. The effects of deforestation on climate regulation and carbon sequestration
68. Innovations in sustainable agriculture practices for increased productivity and resource efficiency
69. The role of environmental economics in valuing ecosystem services
70. The importance of environmental impact assessments in sustainable development projects
71. The potential of wind energy as a clean and abundant power source
72. The impact of plastic microbeads on aquatic ecosystems and food chains
73. Strategies for promoting sustainable tourism and minimizing environmental impacts
74. The effects of light pollution on nocturnal wildlife behavior and ecosystems
75. Innovations in green chemistry for safer and more sustainable chemical processes
76. The role of agroforestry in climate change mitigation and adaptation
77. The importance of biodiversity hotspots for global conservation efforts
78. The potential of smart grid technologies in optimizing energy distribution and consumption
79. The impact of electronic waste recycling on resource recovery and pollution prevention
80. Strategies for reducing water scarcity through water conservation and management

81. The effects of ocean pollution on marine biodiversity and ecosystem health
82. Innovations in sustainable transportation systems, such as electric vehicles and bike-sharing programs
83. The role of environmental education in fostering sustainability awareness among youth
84. The importance of green spaces in urban areas for human well-being and mental health
85. The potential of bio-based materials in construction for reduced environmental impact
86. The impact of climate change on vector-borne diseases and public health
87. Strategies for promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns
88. The effects of heavy metal pollution on soil fertility and food safety
89. Innovations in wastewater treatment technologies for improved water quality
90. The role of indigenous knowledge in sustainable resource management
91. The importance of ecosystem restoration for biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation
92. The potential of solar-powered desalination plants to address water scarcity in coastal regions
93. The impact of noise pollution on aquatic life, such as marine mammals and fish
94. Strategies for reducing carbon emissions from the industrial sector
95. The effects of climate change on forest ecosystems and timber resources
96. Innovations in sustainable packaging materials and design for the food industry
97. The role of environmental governance in promoting sustainable development
98. The importance of green infrastructure in urban heat island mitigation
99. The potential of bio-inspired technologies for sustainable innovation
100. The impact of microplastics on human health through food chain contamination

101. Strategies for reducing air pollution from transportation sources, such as vehicle emissions
102. The effects of climate change on freshwater availability and quality
103. Innovations in energy-efficient building materials and construction techniques
104. The role of environmental psychology in understanding pro-environmental behaviors
105. The importance of protected areas in conserving biodiversity and ecosystem services
106. The potential of geothermal heat pumps for heating and cooling buildings sustainably
107. The impact of agricultural runoff on water pollution and eutrophication
108. Strategies for promoting sustainable forest management and combating illegal logging
109. The effects of climate change on migratory patterns and species distribution
110. Innovations in sustainable fashion, such as upcycling and slow fashion movements
111. The role of green bonds in financing renewable energy and climate change projects
112. The importance of environmental monitoring and data collection for evidence-based decision-making
113. The potential of biochar as a soil amendment for carbon sequestration and improved fertility
114. The impact of noise pollution on human productivity and well-being in urban environments
115. Strategies for reducing plastic pollution in oceans through international cooperation
116. The effects of climate change on waterborne diseases and sanitation challenges
117. Innovations in sustainable agriculture technologies, such as precision farming and vertical farming
118. The role of environmental journalism in raising awareness about environmental issues
119. The importance of ecosystem-based fisheries management for sustainable seafood production
120. The potential of decentralized renewable energy systems for rural electrification

121. The impact of electronic waste on developing countries and informal recycling practices
122. Strategies for promoting sustainable waste reduction through the circular economy model
123. The effects of climate change on indigenous communities and traditional knowledge systems
124. Innovations in green transportation, such as hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and electric planes
125. The role of environmental education in fostering climate change resilience in vulnerable communities
126. The importance of biodiversity in natural pest control and agricultural sustainability
127. The potential of floating solar panels for energy generation on water bodies
128. The impact of noise pollution on bird populations and their reproductive success
129. Strategies for reducing water consumption in agriculture through efficient irrigation techniques
130. The effects of climate change on global food prices and food security
131. Innovations in sustainable packaging materials and design for the cosmetics industry
132. The role of environmental law and policy in addressing transboundary pollution issues
133. The importance of ecosystem restoration for coastal protection against storms and sea-level rise
134. The potential of bio-inspired materials for sustainable product design and manufacturing processes
135. The impact of light pollution on nocturnal ecosystems, such as fireflies and bats
136. Strategies for promoting sustainable urban agriculture and community gardens
137. The effects of climate change on wildlife migration patterns and habitat fragmentation
138. Innovations in sustainable water management technologies, such as rainwater harvesting systems
139. The role of environmental sociology in understanding human-environment interactions
140. The importance of marine protected areas in conserving marine biodiversity and fisheries

141. The potential of algae cultivation for biofuel production and carbon dioxide sequestration
142. The impact of noise pollution on human sleep quality and overall well-being
143. Strategies for reducing food loss and waste throughout the supply chain
144. The effects of climate change on the spread of infectious diseases, such as malaria and dengue fever
145. Innovations in sustainable building materials from recycled and renewable sources
146. The role of environmental education in promoting sustainable lifestyles and consumer choices
147. The importance of ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction strategies in climate change adaptation
148. The potential of wave energy converters for clean electricity generation
149. The impact of plastic pollution on terrestrial ecosystems and wildlife habitats
150. Strategies for promoting sustainable tourism practices in protected areas and natural heritage sites
151. The effects of climate change on ocean acidification and its implications for marine life
152. Innovations in sustainable packaging materials and design for the beverage industry
153. The role of environmental ethics in shaping corporate social responsibility practices
154. The importance of agroecology in promoting sustainable agriculture and food sovereignty
155. The potential of bio-inspired robotics for environmental monitoring and conservation efforts
156. The impact of light pollution on astronomical observations and stargazing experiences
157. Strategies for reducing water pollution from industrial activities through wastewater treatment technologies
158. The effects of climate change on freshwater ecosystems, such as lakes and rivers
159. Innovations in sustainable fashion materials, such as pineapple leather and mushroom-based textiles
160. The role of environmental diplomacy in addressing global environmental challenges

161. The importance of ecosystem services in climate change adaptation and resilience
162. The potential of solar-powered irrigation systems for sustainable agriculture in arid regions
163. The impact of noise pollution on human cognitive performance and concentration
164. Strategies for promoting sustainable consumption and waste reduction in households
165. The effects of climate change on the Arctic region and its implications for global climate patterns
166. Innovations in sustainable packaging materials and design for the personal care industry
167. The role of environmental education in empowering marginalized communities for environmental justice
168. The importance of urban green spaces in mitigating heat island effects and improving air quality
169. The potential of bio-inspired materials for water filtration and purification technologies
170. The impact of plastic pollution on bird populations through ingestion and entanglement
171. Strategies for promoting sustainable agriculture practices in developing countries
172. The effects of climate change on forest fires and wildfire management strategies
173. Innovations in sustainable construction materials from recycled plastic and waste materials
174. The role of environmental psychology in designing green spaces for human well-being
175. The importance of ecosystem-based approaches in coastal zone management and resilience planning
176. The potential of wind-solar hybrid systems for renewable energy generation
177. The impact of noise pollution on marine mammals, such as whales and dolphins
178. Strategies for reducing water scarcity through rainwater harvesting and water conservation practices
179. The effects of climate change on the spread of invasive species and ecological disruptions
180. Innovations in sustainable packaging materials and design for the electronics industry

181. The role of environmental education in fostering climate change adaptation in rural communities
182. The importance of urban agriculture in promoting food security and community resilience
183. The potential of bio-inspired sensors for environmental monitoring and pollution detection
184. The impact of light pollution on nocturnal pollinators, such as moths and bats
185. Strategies for promoting sustainable waste management in developing countries
186. The effects of climate change on waterborne diseases and sanitation challenges in vulnerable communities
187. Innovations in sustainable fashion business models, such as clothing rental and second-hand markets
188. The role of environmental sociology in understanding social movements for environmental justice
189. The importance of ecosystem-based approaches in river restoration and watershed management
190. The potential of solar-powered desalination technologies for clean water provision in remote areas
191. The impact of plastic pollution on human health through ingestion of microplastics
192. Strategies for promoting sustainable transportation options, such as public transit and cycling infrastructure
193. The effects of climate change on agricultural pests and crop yields
194. Innovations in sustainable packaging materials and design for the pharmaceutical industry
195. The role of environmental education in fostering climate change resilience in urban communities
196. The importance of green roofs and walls in urban heat island mitigation and stormwater management
197. The potential of bio-inspired materials for energy-efficient buildings and insulation systems
198. The impact of noise pollution on human mental health and well-being
199. Strategies for reducing water pollution from household activities through eco-friendly practices
200. The effects of climate change on the availability and quality of drinking water sources

200 article titles on Environmental Science and Technology:

1. The Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity
2. Sustainable Agriculture: A Pathway to Food Security
3. The Role of Renewable Energy in Combating Climate Change
4. Water Scarcity: Challenges and Solutions
5. The Importance of Forest Conservation in Climate Change Mitigation
6. Advancements in Waste Management Technologies
7. The Role of Environmental Education in Promoting Sustainability
8. Air Pollution: Causes, Effects, and Control Measures
9. The Role of Biotechnology in Environmental Remediation
10. The Impacts of Plastic Pollution on Marine Ecosystems
11. Green Buildings: Designing for Sustainability
12. The Role of Environmental Policies in Promoting Sustainable Development
13. The Potential of Solar Energy as a Clean Power Source
14. Ecosystem Services: Valuing Nature's Contributions to Human Well-being
15. The Impacts of Deforestation on Climate Change
16. Sustainable Transportation: Innovations and Challenges
17. The Role of Environmental Monitoring in Assessing Ecosystem Health
18. The Importance of Wetland Conservation for Biodiversity Preservation
19. Waste-to-Energy Technologies: Turning Trash into Treasure
20. The Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Coral Reefs
21. Sustainable Urban Planning: Creating Livable Cities for the Future
22. The Role of Environmental DNA (eDNA) in Biodiversity Monitoring
23. Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Vulnerable Communities
24. The Impacts of Industrial Pollution on Human Health
25. Circular Economy: Reducing Waste and Promoting Resource Efficiency

26. The Role of Genetic Engineering in Crop Improvement for Climate Resilience
27. Carbon Capture and Storage: A Solution to Reduce CO2 Emissions
28. The Impacts of Urbanization on Wildlife Habitats
29. Sustainable Water Management: Balancing Demand and Supply
30. The Role of Environmental Impact Assessments in Development Projects
31. The Impacts of Pesticide Use on Pollinators and Ecosystems
32. Green Chemistry: Innovations for Sustainable Chemical Processes
33. The Importance of Soil Conservation for Sustainable Agriculture
34. The Role of Environmental NGOs in Advocating for Conservation
35. The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health
36. Sustainable Fisheries: Balancing Harvesting and Conservation
37. The Potential of Wind Energy as a Renewable Power Source
38. The Impacts of Noise Pollution on Wildlife Behavior
39. Environmental Justice: Addressing Disparities in Environmental Protection
40. The Role of Remote Sensing in Monitoring Land Use Changes
41. Sustainable Tourism: Balancing Economic Growth and Environmental Protection
42. The Impacts of E-waste on Human Health and the Environment
43. Green Infrastructure: Enhancing Urban Resilience to Climate Change
44. The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Management
45. The Impacts of Microplastics on Aquatic Organisms

46. Sustainable Mining Practices: Minimizing Environmental Footprint
47. The Potential of Geothermal Energy as a Clean Power Source
48. The Impacts of Air Pollution on Respiratory Health
49. Ecotourism: Promoting Conservation and Local Communities
50. The Role of Citizen Science in Environmental Monitoring
51. Sustainable Packaging: Reducing Waste in the Consumer Goods Industry
52. The Impacts of Land Degradation on Food Security
53. Green Roofs: Enhancing Urban Biodiversity and Mitigating Climate Change
54. The Role of Environmental Economics in Decision-Making
55. The Impacts of Oil Spills on Marine Ecosystems
56. Sustainable Fashion: Towards a Circular Textile Industry
57. The Potential of Hydrogen Fuel Cells as a Clean Energy Source
58. The Impacts of Light Pollution on Nocturnal Wildlife
59. Environmental Governance: Strengthening Institutions for Sustainable Development
60. The Role of Agroforestry in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
61. The Impacts of Chemical Contamination on Aquatic Ecosystems
62. Sustainable Waste Water Treatment Technologies
63. The Role of Environmental Psychology in Promoting Pro-environmental Behavior
64. The Impacts of Urban Heat Islands on Human Health
65. Green Transportation: Innovations for Low-carbon Mobility

66. The Potential of Biomass Energy as a Renewable Power Source
67. The Impacts of Defaunation on Ecosystem Functioning
68. Sustainable Architecture: Designing Buildings for Energy Efficiency
69. The Role of Environmental Law in Protecting Natural Resources
70. The Impacts of Soil Erosion on Agricultural Productivity
71. Green Computing: Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Information Technology
72. The Importance of Coral Reef Conservation for Coastal Protection
73. The Role of Environmental Sociology in Understanding Human-Environment Interactions
74. The Impacts of Noise Pollution on Human Well-being
75. Sustainable Water Filtration Technologies for Developing Countries
76. The Potential of Tidal Energy as a Clean Power Source
77. The Impacts of Invasive Species on Native Biodiversity
78. Sustainable Food Systems: From Farm to Fork
79. The Role of Environmental Ethics in Shaping Conservation Policies
80. The Impacts of Heavy Metal Pollution on Terrestrial Ecosystems

81. Green Chemistry: Innovations for Sustainable Chemical Processes
82. The Importance of Soil Conservation for Sustainable Agriculture
83. The Role of Environmental NGOs in Advocating for Conservation
84. The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health
85. Sustainable Fisheries: Balancing Harvesting and Conservation
86. The Potential of Wind Energy as a Renewable Power Source
87. The Impacts of Noise Pollution on Wildlife Behavior
88. Environmental Justice: Addressing Disparities in Environmental Protection
89. The Role of Remote Sensing in Monitoring Land Use Changes
90. Sustainable Tourism: Balancing Economic Growth and Environmental Protection
91. The Impacts of E-waste on Human Health and the Environment
92. Green Infrastructure: Enhancing Urban Resilience to Climate Change
93. The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Management
94. The Impacts of Microplastics on Aquatic Organisms
95. Sustainable Mining Practices: Minimizing Environmental Footprint
96. The Potential of Geothermal Energy as a Clean Power Source
97. The Impacts of Air Pollution on Respiratory Health
98. Ecotourism: Promoting Conservation and Local Communities
99. The Role of Citizen Science in Environmental Monitoring
100. Sustainable Packaging: Reducing Waste in the Consumer Goods Industry

101. The Impacts of Land Degradation on Food Security
102. Green Roofs: Enhancing Urban Biodiversity and Mitigating Climate Change
103. The Role of Environmental Economics in Decision-Making
104. The Impacts of Oil Spills on Marine Ecosystems
105. Sustainable Fashion: Towards a Circular Textile Industry
106. The Potential of Hydrogen Fuel Cells as a Clean Energy Source
107. The Impacts of Light Pollution on Nocturnal Wildlife
108. Environmental Governance: Strengthening Institutions for Sustainable Development
109. The Role of Agroforestry in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
110. The Impacts of Chemical Contamination on Aquatic Ecosystems
111. Sustainable Waste Water Treatment Technologies
112. The Role of Environmental Psychology in Promoting Pro-environmental Behavior
113. The Impacts of Urban Heat Islands on Human Health
114. Green Transportation: Innovations for Low-carbon Mobility
115. The Potential of Biomass Energy as a Renewable Power Source
116. The Impacts of Defaunation on Ecosystem Functioning
117. Sustainable Architecture: Designing Buildings for Energy Efficiency
118. The Role of Environmental Law in Protecting Natural Resources
119. The Impacts of Soil Erosion on Agricultural Productivity
120. Green Computing: Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Information Technology

121. The Importance of Coral Reef Conservation for Coastal Protection
122. The Role of Environmental Sociology in Understanding Human-Environment Interactions
123. The Impacts of Noise Pollution on Human Well-being
124. Sustainable Water Filtration Technologies for Developing Countries
125. The Potential of Tidal Energy as a Clean Power Source
126. The Impacts of Invasive Species on Native Biodiversity
127. Sustainable Food Systems: From Farm to Fork
128. The Role of Environmental Ethics in Shaping Conservation Policies
129. The Impacts of Heavy Metal Pollution on Terrestrial Ecosystems
130. Green Infrastructure: Enhancing Urban Resilience to Climate Change
131. The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Management
132. The Impacts of Microplastics on Aquatic Organisms
133. Sustainable Mining Practices: Minimizing Environmental Footprint
134. The Potential of Geothermal Energy as a Clean Power Source
135. The Impacts of Air Pollution on Respiratory Health

136. Ecotourism: Promoting Conservation and Local Communities
137. The Role of Citizen Science in Environmental Monitoring
138. Sustainable Packaging: Reducing Waste in the Consumer Goods Industry
139. The Impacts of Land Degradation on Food Security
140. Green Roofs: Enhancing Urban Biodiversity and Mitigating Climate Change

141. The Role of Environmental Economics in Decision-Making
142. The Impacts of Oil Spills on Marine Ecosystems
143. Sustainable Fashion: Towards a Circular Textile Industry
144. The Potential of Hydrogen Fuel Cells as a Clean Energy Source
145. The Impacts of Light Pollution on Nocturnal Wildlife

146. Environmental Governance: Strengthening Institutions for Sustainable Development
147. The Role of Agroforestry in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
148. The Impacts of Chemical Contamination on Aquatic Ecosystems
149. Sustainable Waste Water Treatment Technologies
150. The Role of Environmental Psychology in Promoting Pro-environmental Behavior

151. The Impacts of Urban Heat Islands on Human Health
152. Green Transportation: Innovations for Low-carbon Mobility
153. The Potential of Biomass Energy as a Renewable Power Source
154. The Impacts of Defaunation on Ecosystem Functioning
155. Sustainable Architecture: Designing Buildings for Energy Efficiency

156. The Role of Environmental Law in Protecting Natural Resources
157. The Impacts of Soil Erosion on Agricultural Productivity
158. Green Computing: Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Information Technology

159. The Importance of Coral Reef Conservation for Coastal Protection
160. The Role of Environmental Sociology in Understanding Human-Environment Interactions

161. The Impacts of Noise Pollution on Human Well-being
162. Sustainable Water Filtration Technologies for Developing Countries

163. The Potential of Tidal Energy as a Clean Power Source
164. The Impacts of Invasive Species on Native Biodiversity

165. Sustainable Food Systems: From Farm to Fork
166. The Role of Environmental Ethics in Shaping Conservation Policies

167. The Impacts of Heavy Metal Pollution on Terrestrial Ecosystems

168. Green Infrastructure: Enhancing Urban Resilience to Climate Change

169. The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Environmental Management

170. The Impacts of Microplastics on Aquatic Organisms

171. Sustainable Mining Practices: Minimizing Environmental Footprint

172. The Potential of Geothermal Energy as a Clean Power Source

173. The Impacts of Air Pollution on Respiratory Health

174. Ecotourism: Promoting Conservation and Local Communities

175. The Role of Citizen Science in Environmental Monitoring

176. Sustainable Packaging: Reducing Waste in the Consumer Goods Industry

177. The Impacts of Land Degradation on Food Security

178. Green Roofs: Enhancing Urban Biodiversity and Mitigating Climate Change

179. The Role of Environmental Economics in Decision-Making

180. The Impacts of Oil Spills on Marine Ecosystems

181. Sustainable Fashion: Towards a Circular Textile Industry

182. The Potential of Hydrogen Fuel Cells as a Clean Energy Source

183. The Impacts of Light Pollution on Nocturnal Wildlife

184. Environmental Governance: Strengthening Institutions for Sustainable Development

185. The Role of Agroforestry in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

186. The Impacts of Chemical Contamination on Aquatic Ecosystems

187. Sustainable Waste Water Treatment Technologies

188. The Role of Environmental Psychology in Promoting Pro-environmental Behavior

189. The Impacts of Urban Heat Islands on Human Health

190. Green Transportation: Innovations for Low-carbon Mobility

191. The Potential of Biomass Energy as a Renewable Power Source

192. The Impacts of Defaunation on Ecosystem Functioning

193. Sustainable Architecture: Designing Buildings for Energy Efficiency

194. The Role of Environmental Law in Protecting Natural Resources

195. The Impacts of Soil Erosion on Agricultural Productivity

196. Green Computing: Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Information Technology

197. The Importance of Coral Reef Conservation for Coastal Protection

198. The Role of Environmental Sociology in Understanding Human-Environment Interactions

199. The Impacts of Noise Pollution on Human Well-being

200. Sustainable Water Filtration Technologies for Developing Countries