International Journal of Agricultural Sciences

ISSN 2167-0447

International Journal of Agricultural Sciences ISSN: 2167-0447 Vol. 14 (9), pp. 001-025, September, 2024. Available online at © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Design and Energy Consumption of a Preliminary Water Chilling and Recirculation System for Sow Cooling Pads

Tyler C. Field1, Brooklyn A. Hill2, Taylor L. Jansen2, Samantha M. Neeno1, Michaiah J. Galvin2, Jay S. Johnson3, Allan P. Schinckel2, Carol S. Stwalley4, & Robert M. Stwalley III1*

1Purdue University Agricultural & Biological Engineering. 2Purdue University Animal Sciences. 3USDA-ARS Livestock Behavior Research Unit. 4Paradocs Enterprises, Inc.

coolant recirculation systems can supply adequate chilled water to swine floor cooling systems
design capacities within the system are critical to proper functioning
simplicity and low operating costs will be critical to the success of these systems in commercial applications
insulation of the coolant distribution system is critical to the overall system efficiency.

Received June 10, 2024; Revised July 17, 2024; Accepted July 22, 2024 and Published 30 October, 2024


Significant work has been performed developing technology for on-floor swine cooling utilizing a simple once-through open coolant supply system. The use of this open system has been expedient during the cooling pad development, but it is unsustainable for commercial application. The design and implementation of an initial closed loop, recirculating coolant supply system is described in this paper. The types of potential chilled water circulation systems that might be used and the metrics to judge their performance are reviewed, and the researchers’ objectives associated with this preliminary experience using a recirculating design are relayed. The design’s physical installation in this effort was constrained by the characteristics of the available testing facility and its on-going live animal research experiment. The executed design and operational characteristics of the final installed system are detailed, along with an initial performance analysis showing a CoP of 1.11. The general conclusion of this work showed that recirculating coolant systems provide a valid technological approach to execute the heat rejection function needed for a commercial hog cooling pad installation, which should overcome the issues associated with once-through cooling pad installations.

Keywords: Floor cooling pads; indirect calorimeters; recirculating coolant system; swine heat production; average daily gain for piglets.