Global Journal of Business Management

ISSN 2736-1721

Global Journal of Business Management ISSN 6731-4538 Vol. 6 (3), pp. 001-012, March, 2012. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Reforming the pension system in Romania with logical schemes

Carina-Elena Steg roiu1 and Valentin Steg roiu2*

1Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University Constantin Brâncu i”, Targu Jiu, Romania.

2Faculty of Economics, University Titu Maiorescu” Bucharest, Targu Jiu, Romania.

Accepted 1 July, 2011


In the current economic context pension system in Romania is in a sharp crisis and the financial system both because our involvement decision makers in applying a balancing structural reforms - entry-exit-benefit. Starting from this, we tried through this study, a possible adjustment of public pension scheme using logical schemes through analysis of pension schemes, whose principles lead to a possible model that can be implemented in the security system Romanian social, which could lead to an economic imbalance, so necessary in the current juncture. Study findings lead to the need for the Romanian social security policy, taking into account the model developed with logical schemes.

Key words: Social security, public pension, labor market, social insurance.