International Journal of Management and Business Studies

ISSN 2167-0439

International Journal of Management and Business Studies ISSN 2167-0439 Vol. 9 (5), pp. 001-008, May, 2019. © International Scholars Journals


The algorithm for the development of global financial crises

Carina-Elena Stegăroiu1 and Valentin Stegăroiu2*

1Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University Constantin Brâncu şi. Târgu Jiu, Romania.

2Faculty of Economics, University Titu Maiorescu Bucharest, Târgu Jiu, Romania.

Accepted 13 January, 2019


Currently the world economy is facing a disaster whose size, behavior and overall circuit remains a mystery. We do not know what the outcome will be, whether the state of the economy will continue to strike or how to respond to counter-measures. But we can certainly say that there is one thing we know already, which is crisis. There is therefore the need for a radical restructuring of the global financial system. The present study aims at achieving an economic and mathematical model based on which complex information can be obtained about the quality, credit and financial market efficiency. Financial and credit markets are classified by level of information to market participants, how directors highlight factors affecting finance, buyers, sellers of shares in financial and credit markets, how they propose ways to alleviate or prevent consequences, which can be financial or credit crisis and who should bear the consequences of banking activities that generate "pyramids" finance.

Key words: Financial-credit market, econometric methods, financial crisis, financial resources.