African Journal of Nursing and Midwifery

ISSN 2756-3332

African Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Vol. 1 (2), pp. 026-031, November, 2014. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Select breastfeeding and related forerunner variables among lactating moms in a rustic group in Southwest Nigeria

Osuvwie E. O. Micheal

Department of Health Education, College of Medicine, University of Benin, Edo State, Nigeria.

Email: [email protected]

Accepted 10 October, 2014


This study investigated the forerunner components affecting the act of elite bosom encouraging (EBF) among lactating moms in Ayete, a rustic group in Southwest Nigeria. A three-stage irregular examining strategy was utilized to choose 410 moms of infants and babies short of what six months from family units. A pretested semi-organized survey which incorporated a 14-point information scale was utilized for information gathering. Information were broke down utilizing spellbinding measurements, Chi-square test and examination of change (ANOVA). Mean age was 27.4±5.9 years and 67.1% respondents were mindful that EBF ought to be launched instantly after conception. Mean learning score on EBF was 8.2±2.9. Age, instructive level and occupation were essentially connected with learning of EBF (p<0.05). Principle saw difficulties connected with EBF were loss of vital supplements by moms (87.6%) and incitement of craving (26.2%). Just 10.2% of respondents were rehearsing EBF as at the time of the study. Explanations behind not rehearsing EBF included infant needs herbs for quality and essentialness (31.3%), child required water to extinguish thirst (23.9%) and non-fulfillment with breast drain alone (20.8%). Practice of EBF was altogether more among respondents winning short of what N5000.00 month to month (p<0.05). Consistent sharpening exercises are expected to advance select bosom bolstering among lactating mom

Key words: Exclusive breastfeeding, antecedent factor, Ayeta, lactating mothers.