Advanced Journal of Microbiology Research

ISSN 2736-1756

Advanced Journal of Microbiology Research ISSN 2241-9837 Vol. 12 (10), pp. 001-004, October, 2018. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

The protective effect of beta glucan against Escherichia  Coli infected mice via intraperitonial administration

Elufisan T. O.*, Oyelade Busayo and Oloke J. K.

National Centre for Technology Management, P.M.B. 012, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria.

Accepted 21 September, 2018


Mice infected with ESCHERICHIA COLI were protected against lethal peritonitis by the intra peritoneal administration 0.2 ml of 10 mg of poly-1,3,1,6-glucotriosyl-1,3,1,3-glucopyranose (PGG) glucan per gram body weight of animal 24 h prior to bacterial infection. This procedure employed in this study, is similar to that employ in a previous studies where rat model were protected with β-glucan against intra-abdominal sepsis, where the intramuscular doses of 10 ml to 10 g per animal 24 h and 4 h prior to surgical implantation of the bacterial inoculums reduced the early mortality associated with the peritonitis phase of this experimental disease process. In this study mice were protected with β-glucan against peritonist 24 h prior to intraperitoneal administration of bacteria inoculums. Quantitative cultures of the liver obtained from mice infected with E.COLI showed significantly the liver of PGG glucan-treated infected animal has a reduced microbial load as compare to those infected and were not treated. The transient increase in survival rate of mice infected with E.COLI that have been treated with PGG glucan- as compare with that of those not treated shows the significant effect of β glucan on E.COLI infection.

Key words: Beta-glucan, Escherichia coli, poly-131-6-glucotriosyl-j31-3-glucopyranose (PGG) glucan, peritonitis, inoculums, intra-peritoneal, intramuscular