International Journal of Management and Business Studies

ISSN 2167-0439

International Journal of Management and Business Studies ISSN 2167-0439 Vol. 8 (7), pp. 001-010, July, 2018. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

An empirical study of the relationship between normlessness, business ethics and social responsibility

Ela Burcu Uçel1, Mert Günerergin1* and A. Guldem Cerit2

1Faculty of Social and Administrative Sciences, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey.

2School of Maritime Business and Management, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey.

Accepted 13 March, 2018


This paper aimed to examine the differences of normlessness levels of university students according to their ages, genders, majors and classes. The study also investigated the relationship between normlessness, perceived business ethics and social responsibility. After a thorough review of the literatures of normlesness, anomie, business ethics and social responsibility, relevant measurement scales were selected; a survey was prepared and conducted among 200 university students from Izmir University of Economics. The findings represented that students’ normlessness levels differed according to certain demographics such as age, and gender. Results also showed that students who have different ideas about normlessness also have different business ethics and social responsibility perceptions. According to the findings, normlessness, perceived business ethics and social responsibility levels of students from different majors were also significantly different from each other.

Key words: Normlessness, anomie, business ethics, social responsibility, university students.