African Journal of Plant Breeding

ISSN 2375-074X

African Journal of Plant Breeding ISSN: 2375-074X Vol. 8 (8), pp. 001-010, August, 2021. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Participatory Selection and Evaluation of Soybean (Glycine max) Varieties for Savannah Regions of the DR-Congo

Justin Mudibu1,2, Kankolongo Mbuya1,3, Adrien Kalonji-Mbuyi2,4, Kabwe Nkongolo5,*

1Faculty of Agronomy, “Université National Pégadogique de Kinshasa (UPN)”;

2Regional Nuclear Energy Center, Kinshasa (CRENK), RD-Congo,

3National Institute for Research and Agronomic Studies (INERA), B.P. 2037, Kinshasa 1, RD – Congo;

4Faculty of Agronomy, University of Kinshasa, B.P 117, Kinshasa 11, RD–Congo;

5Department of Biological Sciences, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, P3E 3C6.

Accepted 28 June, 2021 


Pulses and legumes in general are important staple crops for smallholders in sub-Saharan Africa that contribute to improvement of Africa’s nutrient-poor soils. In the DR-Congo, the soybean genepool includes local and genetically improved varieties from international institutions such as the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) or other countries. However, the acceptance rate of these varieties is very low. The main objective of this study was to identify and select elite soybean varieties grown in the DR-Congo using Participatory Varietal Selection (SVP) led by the breeder. In total, five field trials involving 22 soybean varieties were conducted in a savannah region of Eastern Kasai (DR-Congo) with or without nitrogenous-phosphorus – potassium (NPK) fertilization. A total of 61 males and females farmers from surrounding villages were involved in the variety evaluation. Selection was based primarily on agronomic characteristics such as yield components, duration to maturity, organoleptic qualities, and seed size and color. Significant differences among varieties for most of the traits studied were observed. Overall, three varieties were selected based on farmer’s ranking. They include TGX1895-49F, TGX SENASEM, and TGX1879-9 E. These soybean varieties were released and promoted in the community.

Keywords: Soybean; Glycine max; participatory varietal selection; DR-Congo; farmer’s knowledge.