ISSN 2375-0979
African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry ISSN 2375-0979 Vol. 7 (10), pp. 001-006, October, 2019. © International Scholars Journals
Full Length Research Paper
Effects of shade on growth, production and quality of coffee (COFFEA ARABICA) in Ethiopia
Adugna D. Bote1,2 and Paul C. Struik2
1Jimma University College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, P. O. Box 307, Jimma, Ethiopia.
2Centre for Crop Systems Analysis, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 PB Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Accepted 15 March, 2019
The research work was conducted to evaluate the effect of shade on growth and production of coffee plants. To achieve this, growth and productivity of coffee plants growing under shade trees were compared with those of coffee plants growing under direct sun light. Different physiological, environmental and quality parameters were assessed for both treatments. Shade trees protected coffee plants against adverse environmental stresses such as high soil temperatures and low relative humidity. Shade, however, also triggered differences in physiological behaviour of the coffee plants, such as improved photosynthesis and increased leaf area index, resulting in better performance than possible in direct sun light. Consequently, coffee plants grown under shade trees produced larger and heavier fruits with better bean quality than those grown in direct sun light. Moreover, shaded plants had greater biochemical and physiological potential for high dry matter production which would help them to maintain high coffee yields in the long term. If growing coffee under shade trees would allow other sources of income such as fruits, fuel wood and timber to be produced, it could be socially more acceptable, economically more viable and environmentally more sustainable. Since in Ethiopia people are moving towards replacing coffee by ‘chat’ and/or growing coffee in an open sun, we support the recommendations of growing coffee in the shade and suggest that the future research should be directed toward deterring the development of fungal diseases and increase of coffee yields under shaded conditions.
Key words: Ethiopia, coffee, photosynthesis, shade, bean quality.