International Journal of Adult and Continuing Education

International Journal of Adult and Continuing Education ISSN 2241-4517 Vol. 2 (11), pp. 001-003, November, 2016. © International Scholars Journals


Comments on John Willinsky’s learning to divide the world: Education at empire’s end

Tsung Juang Wang

Department of Architecture; Graduate Institute of Technological and Vocational Education, National Taipei University of University, 1, Section 3, ChungHsiao East Road, Taipei, 106, Taiwan, Tel.+011-886-2-27712171; Fax +011-886-2-27510843; E- mail: [email protected]

Accepted 16 July, 2016


John Willinsky’s view that imperialism and its legacy remain the driving force that divides the world into “superior” and “inferior” cultures fails to take into account other forces that also encourage peoples of different cultures to emphasize the differences between themselves. He is correct in noting that imperialism led to much injustice and inequality in the world, but he is insufficiently attentive to some of what can only be considered to be positive outcomes as well. The real strength of Willinsky’s analysis lies in his view that education must be reformed to account for and temper the tendency of different peoples to develop affinities with those most like themselves and to be suspicious of contact with those perceived to be outsiders.

Key words: Civilization, Colonialism, Dividing the World, Education, Imperialism, Multiculturalism.