International Journal of Educational Research and Reviews

ISSN 2329-9843

International Journal of Education Research and Reviews ISSN 2329-9843 Vol. 10 (5), pp. 001-003, May, 2022. © International Scholars Journals


Grassroot participation and management for rural water-related envirommental problems in Ebo Itumbonuso, Ini Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

Iniobong Eyibio

Chairman, African Youth Movement on the Environment, #42 Dibue Road, P.O. BOX 263, Ikot Ekpene, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. TeleFax: +234-80-23292432. E-mail: [email protected]

Accepted 21 April 2022


Grassroots’ participation in the management of rural water- related environmental problems aimed at providing sustainable and safe water for drinking, farming and other domestic and public uses is hereby discussed. The scheme integrates the rural water stakeholders comprising the women, youths and elders into a network for the containment and abatement of water-related environmental problems that includes flooding of river line communities, silting of rivers and water bodies from overlying farmlands, pollution of water bodies from refuse dumps and animal grazing activities, erosional hazards, and outbreaks of diseases such as Typhoid fever, Polio, Hepatitis, Diahorrhea, Dysentery and Cholera. It x-rays the participatory approach to include sustained public awareness and education programmes hinged on a values-based approach using TV, Radio, Newsletter, Magazines, and Illustrative Drama as well as the creation of a water sanitation agency (within the local government authority), a training scheme to develop manpower as well as a knowledge enhancement programme with detailed drafting of a curriculum for the primary and secondary schools and the setting up of water use and rights groups in these schools.