African Journal of Demography and Population Studies

ISSN 4521-9745

African Journal of Demography and Population Studies, Vol. 8 (1), pp. 001-005, January, 2023. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Evaluation of genetic variation within different population of Puntius filamentosus from southern Western Ghats 

Jeyaraj Antony Johnson1, Rajayanian Pusphabai Rajesh3, Lidwin Anna Mary3 and Muthukumarasamy Arunachalam2

1Department of Biology, Eritrean Institute of Technology, Ministry of Education, Asmara, North East Africa.

2Sri Paramakalyani Centre for Environmental Sciences, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Alwarkruichi – 627 412, Tamil Nadu, India.

3Department of Biotechnology, Malankara Catholic College, Mariagiri, Kaliakavilai – 629 153, Tamil Nadu, India.

Accepted 12 November, 2022


The genetic variation in different population of the freshwater cyprinid Puntius filamentosus was studied using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Samples were collected from five different locations of southern Western Ghats, India. The morphometric characters of population from Alancholai showed little variation when compared with other population. The genomic size of the different population of P. filamentosus found between 3.45 and 3.80 ng/mg. The result of RFLP analysis showed that the population from Alancholai had distinct fragment length and scored high band volume (12.430 nmoles). The result of cluster analysis showed that Alancholai population had distinct genetic structure and it did not cluster with other population. The study inferred that the population from Alancholai appeared to be unique among the other population of P. filamentosus.

Key words: Puntius filamentosus, genetic diversity, RFLP, Western Ghats, India.