International Journal of Virology and Parasitology

International Journal of Virology and Parasitology, Vol. 7 (3), pp. 001-006, March, 2018. © International Scholars Journals


Eyam’s Guardian Gene; C282Y, H63D or Delta 32?

Peter Stride1, Kylie Lopes Floro2

1University of Queensland School of Medicine, Brisbane, Queensland Australia 4012

2Princess Alexandra Hospital, Queensland, Australia.

Accepted 20 July, 2017


The little village of Eyam in England’s Derbyshire Peak District is well known for its devastating epidemic of plague in 1665. Led by the vicar, William Mompesson, and the puritan minister, Thomas Stanley, the villagers altruistically quarantined themselves for fourteen months to prevent the spread of the infection to neighbouring villages. Up to 80% of the population died, raising the question of what enabled the remaining 20% to survive when surrounded by the dead and dying with a very contagious disease. One possibility is a genetic trait. The most common suggestion is the delta32 mutation of the CCR5 chemokine-receptor locus on human chromosome 3, but perhaps the previously unconsidered mutations of haemochromatosis (HC) played a significant role. The significance of both mutations is compared.

Keywords: Eyam, Guardian Gene, Delta 32.