International Journal of Banking, Economics and Finance

ISSN 2756-3677

International Journal of Banking, Economics and Finance ISSN: 8201-4728 Vol. 4 (2), pp. 001-010, February, 2020. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Financial sector reforms and household savings in Pakistan: An ARDL approach

Rana Ejaz Ali Khan1* and Qazi Muhammad Adnan Hye2

1Department of Economics, Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.

2Institute of Business Management (IoBM), Karachi, Pakistan.

Accepted 13 September, 2019


The study empirically examined the relationship between the financial sector reforms and household savings in Pakistan by applying the ARDL cointegration technique on annual time series data for the years 1988 to 2008. Empirical findings indicated that the financial liberalization index negatively created an impact on the household savings in the short- run, as well as in the long-run, suggesting that financial liberalization slid down the savings instead of enhancing it. Policy-makers should not rely on financial reforms to augment household savings. However, per-capital income, agriculture sector GDP and remittances positively affected the household savings in the short-run, while the real deposit rate negatively affected the household savings in the long-run. It is important for the country to maintain high growth rate for the increasing per-capital income which would contribute in enhancing household savings. As such, the growth of the agriculture sector and remittances should also be a part of the policy. Nonetheless, the dependency ratio also negatively affected the household savings in the short-run.

Key words: Financial reforms, household savings, deposit rate, financial liberalization, Pakistan, ARDL.