Global Journal of Sociology and Anthropology

ISSN 2756-3456

Global Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol. 2 (6), pp. 001-005 June, 2013. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Food habits among the educated youth of Tharu and Buksa tribes

Subhash Chandra Verma and Girja Shankar Yadav

1Department of Sociology, Government Post Graduate College, Rudrapur (U. S. Nagar) 263153 Uttrakhand, India.

2Department of Statistics, Government Post Graduate College, Rudrapur (U. S. Nagar) 263153 Uttrakhand, India.

Accepted 16 February, 2013


In this paper, we studied about food habits of the educated Tharu and Buksa youth. 76 Tharu and 40 Buksa (total of 116) youth were interviewed for this study. At present, some Tharu and Buksas youth are ignoring their traditional food and accepting some fast foods rapidly. The Tharu and Buksa people were non-vegetarians and traditionally so, maximum youth were non-vegetarians also. Maximum Tharu-Buksa youth used non-vegetarian food after a week. They also like milk and milk-products. 92.24% youth used non-vegetarian foods; only 7.76% youth were vegetarians. Female youth were more (15%) than males (3.95%) in vegetarian’s category. 96.05% males and 85% females used non-vegetarian foods normally. The Tharu and Buksas youth that is studying in the cities like to eat fast foods in market. Chinese fast foods like Chowmin, Indian Dosa, Chat-Pakoda and other packed food were popular in Tharu and Buksas. Maximum (64.66%) youth eat fast food one time in a week, 18.10% is two or three times in a week and 17.24% used it sometimes. Percentage of females (57.5%) is more than male (52.63%) in weekly and some times (7.89%), (17.5%) is use of fast foods.

Key words: Tharu, Buksa, food, non-vegetarian, traditional, fast-food.