African Journal of Medicine and Surgery

ISSN 2756-3324

African Journal of Medicine and Surgery ISSN 3156-8734 Vol. 7 (1), pp. 001-002, January, 2020. © International Scholars Journals

Case Report

Sharp foreign body and ischio-rectal abscess

Chi Man Ng*, K. K. David Tsui, H. H. Wong, K. K. Yau and M. K.W. Li

Department of Surgery, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Hong Kong, China.

Accepted 23 August, 2019


This article presents a case of rare cause of peri-anal abscess caused by ingested fish bone. A 72 year old gentleman presented with left buttock painful swelling for 1 week associated with fever. Physical examination revealed a peri-anal abscess. During incision and drainage a 3cm fish bone was found inside the abscess cavity, impinging from the rectal wall. He recalled history of fish bone ingestion around one month before admission. Ingestion of sharp object can cause perforation of gastro-intestinal tract, not only the upper tract, but even the lower tract and anal canal. High index of suspicion is needed in cases with history of foreign body ingestion presenting with ischio-rectal abscess, to aid diagnosis and prevent injury to the operating surgeon.

Key words: Peri-anal, ischiorectal, abscess, fish bone, sharp, foreign body ingestion.