African Journal of Botany

ISSN 2756-3294

African Journal of Botany ISSN: 2314-9825, Vol. 10 (1), pp. 001-006, January, 2022. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Threatened medicinal plants in Castilla y León (Spain)

Herrero, B. and Martín-Lobera, C

Universidad de Valladolid, Departamento de Ciencias Agroforestales, 34004 Palencia, Spain.

Accepted 03 December, 2021


544 vascular plant species are used traditionally as medicinal in Castilla y León. 8 of these species are protected on different scales. Sometimes this protection establishes limits to their harvest, such as: Arnica montana, Gentiana lutea, Nacissus pseudonarcissus, Sideritis hyssopifolia. These species are collected from wild populations with the risk of genetic erosion and loss of populations. Arnica montana and Gentiana lutea are highly demanded, and collected from wild populations in this region. Their distribution habitats in peat bogs and mountain pasture are also affected, diminishing their presence due to different reason. In Castilla y León crops of medicinal and aromatic plants spread over 970 ha, representing 0.03% of the cultivated land. This area has been reduced by 36% in the last few years whereas the demand for such plants has increased by 10%, in the last 15 years. Some protected species are not used traditionally by people to treat their common illnesses. However, high harmful demand comes from drug companies which are carrying out excessive picking. In the region, it is necessary to create crop policies for other species which are not listed as protected but their demand is increasing, such us: Hyssopus officinalis, Jasonia glutinosa, Lavandula latifolia, Origanum vulgare, Salvia lavandulifolia, Satureja montana, Thymus spp. The infusion consumption of medicinal plants in this region was about 198 tonnes yearly. 290 t are collected in the wild according to data from the services of environmental management; however, it is estimated that this amount is twice as much.

Keywords: threatened species, medicinal plant, medicinal trade, wild recollection, plant conservation, threat factors, trade volume