African Journal of Philosophy and Religious Studies

ISSN 2756-3405

African Journal of Philosophy and Religious Studies ISSN 1621-4587 Vol. 4 (2), pp. 001-003, February, 2018. © International Scholars Journals


In what way are related psychological time and physical time?

Amrit S. Sorli

Scientific Research Centre BISTRA, Ptuj, Slovenija, Slovenia. E-mail: [email protected].

Accepted 06 January, 2018


Recent neurological research shows that, psychological time “past-present -future” is a result of neuronal dynamics of the brain. Through the psychological time we experience motion in the universe. Puzzle with time in physics is that in the universe we can perceive only motion and not time. Here, it is proposed that physical time t is run of clocks. Fourth coordinate X 4 = i * c * t is spatial too. X 4 is composed out of imaginary number i, light speed c and number t that is indicating “thick” of clocks in space. Precisely, time t is not fourth dimension of the space, time t is a third component of the fourth dimension of space. Fourth dimension is not temporal, forth dimension is spatial too. Clocks run in space only and not in time. There is no physical time behind run of clocks. Clock/time is a measuring system for physical events.

Key words: Psychological time, physical time, run of clocks, numerical order, frequency, velocity, light speed.