International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

ISSN 2169-303X

International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research ISSN 2169-303X Vol. 9 (6), pp. 001-007, June, 2020. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Ethnobotany and phytomedicine of the upper Nyong valley forest in Cameroon

T. Jiofack1*, l. Ayissi2, C. Fokunang3, N. Guedje4 and V. Kemeuze1

1Millennium Ecologic Museum, P. O Box 8038, Yaounde – Cameroon.

2Cameron Wildlife Consevation Society (CWCS – Cameroon), Cameroon.

3Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Science, University of Yaounde I, Cameroon.

4Institute of Agronomic Research for Development, National Herbarium of Cameroon, Cameroon.

Accepted 24 March, 2020


This paper presents the results of an assessment of the ethnobotanical uses of some plants recorded in upper Nyong valley forest implemented by the Cameroon wildlife conservation society project (CWCS). Forestry transects in 6 localities, followed by socio-economic study were conducted in 250 local inhabitants. As results, medicinal information on 140 plants species belonging to 60 families were recorded. Local people commonly use plant parts which included leaves, bark, seed, whole plant, stem and flower to cure many diseases. According to these plants, 8% are use to treat malaria while 68% intervenes to cure several others diseases as described on. There is very high demand for medicinal plants due to prevailing economic recession; however their prices are high as a result of prevailing genetic erosion. This report highlighted the need for the improvement of effective management strategies focusing on community forestry programmes and aims to encourage local people participation in the conservation of this forest heritage to achieve a sustainable plant biodiversity and conservation for future posterity.

Key words: Conservation, ethnobotanical uses, diseases, posterity, Nyong valley.