African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry

ISSN 2375-0979

African Journal of Wood Science and Forestry ISSN 2375-0979  Vol. 11 (6), June, 2023. Available online at



Accepted 22 February, 2023

Title: Exploring the Impact of Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems in Kenya


1. Name: Jane Muthoni
Department: Department of Environmental Science
Faculty: Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies
University: Kenyatta University

2. Name: John Kiprop
Department: Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management
Faculty: Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences
University: Egerton University

This commentary article aims to explore the impact of climate change on forest ecosystems in Kenya. It discusses the various ways in which climate change is affecting these ecosystems, including changes in temperature and precipitation patterns, increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, and alterations in species composition and distribution. The article also highlights the importance of forests in mitigating climate change through carbon sequestration and their role in providing ecosystem services to local communities. Furthermore, it examines the potential strategies and policies that can be implemented to address the challenges posed by climate change on forest ecosystems in Kenya.

Keywords: Climate change, forest ecosystems, Kenya, temperature, precipitation, extreme weather events, species composition, carbon sequestration, ecosystem services, strategies, policies.

Kenya is a country located in East Africa known for its rich biodiversity and diverse forest ecosystems. However, these forests are facing significant threats due to climate change. Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperature and precipitation patterns caused by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. These changes have far-reaching consequences for forest ecosystems, including impacts on species composition, distribution, and overall ecosystem health.

1. Changes in Temperature and Precipitation Patterns: Climate change is leading to shifts in temperature and precipitation patterns in Kenya's forests. Rising temperatures can affect the growth and survival of plant species, as well as disrupt the timing of flowering and fruiting. Changes in precipitation patterns can result in droughts or increased rainfall intensity, both of which can have detrimental effects on forest ecosystems. Droughts can lead to increased tree mortality and reduced water availability for plants and animals, while heavy rainfall can cause soil erosion and landslides.

2. Increased Frequency and Intensity of Extreme Weather Events: Climate change is also contributing to an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as storms, floods, and wildfires. These events can have severe impacts on forest ecosystems, including the destruction of vegetation, loss of habitat for wildlife, and increased vulnerability to invasive species. Additionally, wildfires can release large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, exacerbating climate change.

3. Alterations in Species Composition and Distribution: Climate change is causing shifts in the distribution and abundance of plant and animal species in Kenya's forests. Some species may be unable to adapt to changing conditions or migrate to more suitable habitats, leading to local extinctions. This can disrupt ecological interactions and affect the overall functioning of forest ecosystems. Furthermore, invasive species may thrive under new climatic conditions, outcompeting native species and further altering ecosystem dynamics.

4. Carbon Sequestration and Ecosystem Services: Forests play a crucial role in mitigating climate change through carbon sequestration. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis and store it in their biomass and soils. However, climate change can reduce the ability of forests to sequester carbon due to increased tree mortality, reduced growth rates, and increased susceptibility to pests and diseases. Moreover, forests provide numerous ecosystem services such as water regulation, soil conservation, and biodiversity conservation, which are essential for the well-being of local communities.

The impact of climate change on forest ecosystems in Kenya is evident through changes in temperature and precipitation patterns, increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, alterations in species composition and distribution, as well as implications for carbon sequestration and ecosystem services. To address these challenges, it is crucial to implement strategies and policies that promote sustainable forest management, conservation efforts, reforestation initiatives, and community engagement. Collaboration between government agencies, researchers, local communities, and international organizations is essential for developing effective adaptation and mitigation measures to safeguard Kenya's forest ecosystems for future generations.

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- Omondi, P., & Mwangi, E. (2019). Climate Change Impacts on Forest Ecosystems in Kenya: A Review. Journal of Environmental Management, 245, 345-356.
- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). (2020). Kenya's Forests: Status and Challenges in a Changing Climate. Retrieved from