ISSN 2326-7283
African Journal of Internal Medicine ISSN 2326-7283 Vol. 3 (10), pp. 319-321 November, 2015. © International Scholars Journals
Full Length Research Paper
An experimental study of the best methods of duodenal repair
*Sachin M. khan, Shankar K. Ranvid and Kupta H. Sigh
Department of Urology and Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]
Accepted 15 March 2015
Duodenal injuries are rare and complete circumferential duodenal injuries are rarest to encounter. The best method of their repair is still an enigma. This article and experimental study aimed to elucidate the best methods of duodenal repair. We encountered few duodenal injuries which began from February 2011 – the first one with duodenal injury involving the first part of duodenum posteriorly. Another duodenal injury was complete circumferential involving first and third parts of duodenum, along with laceration of superior mesenteric artery. Only one case of double duodenal transection has been reported in world literature, and that associated with superior mesenteric artery laceration has not been reported. In one case of double duodenal transection, we attempted a novel technique for managing double complete circumferential duodenal injury by using a 16 fr stenting gastroduodenojejunal catheter. Both injuries were repaired primarily and had good postoperative outcome. Duodenal injuries should not be feared. Meticulous and judicious repair of duodenal injuries brings good results.
Key words: Traumatic duodenal injuries, Iatrogenic duodenal injuries, double duodenal transection, stenting gastroduodenojejunal catheter.