African Journal of Political Science

ISSN 1027-0353

African Journal of Political Science ISSN 3461-2165 Vol. 11 (8), pp. 001-010, August, 2017. © International Scholars Journals


A review of private sector tax revenue generation at local government level: Evidence from Nigeria

S. O. Uremadu1* and J. C. Ndulue2

1Department of Banking and Finance, College of Business and Social Sciences, Covenant University, Canaanland, P. M. B. 1023, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria.

2Department of Accounting,University of Abuja, FCT, Abuja, Nigeria.

Accepted 18 May, 2017


This paper reviews the work of Ndulue (2005) to ascertain the significance of private sector revenue generation at the local government level using data from FCT, Abuja. Mobilization of tax income from self-employed people has always posed a serious challenge to Local Government authorities in Nigeria. Millions of naira have been lost due to prevalence of tax evasion and avoidance among the self-employed people. As a result, taxation can be used as a major instrument of revenue mobilization and or as a key to sustainable economic development in Nigeria since it hinders realization of fiscal policy objectives of government. This study is aimed at finding the root causes of tax evasion and avoidance among the self-employed people in FCT, Abuja, with a view to exploring ways of encouraging them to comply with tax matters in a bid to boost local government revenue sources that will provide adequate funds for development efforts of government. This study utilized data collated by Ndulue (2005) from FCT, Abuja to carry out both fundamental analysis and simple percentages evaluation of issues in the tax revenue mobilization among the self-employed and tax administration skills of the local authorities. Questionnaires were administered to both the self-employed and staff of Federal Board of Inland Revenues Tax Office, Abuja to source out data on the issues of research. Findings from the field survey profoundly revealed that there exists: (1) significance tax avoidance and evasion by the self-employed in FCT, which has adversely affected the quantum of revenue mobilization from income tax; (2) several factors are responsible for this dismal tax situation such as: high personal income tax rate; complexity of the assessment and collection procedures; lack of adequate tax incentives; lack of taxpayer education and high costs of compliance; among others. All these go to reveal that the Nigerian tax system faces serious challenges of ineffectiveness and inefficiency. To revive the system, a three pronged approach is, here and now, recommended: (i) the tax laws, tax policies and tax administration should be holistically reviewed; (ii) the penalties to be meted out to tax offenders should be made severe to deter tax evasion and avoidance; (iii) the tax policies should be well focused geared towards reducing the personal income tax rates and providing adequate tax incentives and taxpayer education. Finally, effective and efficient tax policy will eliminate high compliance costs, make self-employed people tax compliant and increase total revenue generated from tax sources thereby making taxation a veritable tool in the hand of government to sustainable economic growth and development in the emerging Nigerian economy.

Key words: Tax policy, tax income, revenue, self-employed, Nigerian economy.