African Journal of Pig Farming

ISSN 2375-0731

African Journal of Pig Farming ISSN: 2375-0731 Vol. 12 (1), pp. 001-008, January, 2024. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Assessing nutrient leaching in red-yellow latosol: The role of swine water and irrigation water reuse

Talita Dantas Pedrosa1*, Henrique Takyiuki Ozima2, Roselene Maria Schneider2, Adilson Pacheco de Souza2, Ednaldo Antonio de Andrade1 and Luciana Vieira Mattos1

1Institute of Natural, Human and Social Sciences, Federal University of Mato Grosso - Sinop Campus, Alexandre Ferronato Avenue, 1200, 78557-267, Sinop (MT), Brazil.

2Institute of Agrarian and Environmental Sciences, Federal University of Mato Grosso - Sinop Campus, Alexandre Ferronato Avenue, 1200, 78557-267, Sinop (MT), Brazil.

Accepted 10 August, 2023


This study evaluates some micro- elements, phosphorus, copper and zinc leached in lysimeters with red-yellow Latosol under different rates of reused water and irrigation water. This was done for a period of 40 days (August to October 2014) at the initial cycle of cauliflower cultivar ‘Verona CMS’, in Sinop/Mato Grosso. Reused swine water (0, 50 and 150 m3 ha-1) was applied in one portion before transplanting. Irrigation water of 100, 125 and 150% with crop evapotranspiration potential (ETc) was used in a drip irrigation system daily. Leachate samples were taken at 10, 20, 30 and 40 days after applying the reused water. With balanced leached phosphorus (P), a higher percentage of P retained in the soil was observed, indicating low mobility of this element. The concentrations of copper in the leachate were low at 150 m3 ha-1 rate after the reuse of swine water, at day 20. 150 m3 ha-1 used in the irrigated lysimeters with 100% ETc is a good alternative for vegetable crops with a short cycle (less than 40 days), in Sinop/Mato Grosso, as it does not exceed the limits of the Conama Resolution No. 396/2008.

Key words: Cauliflower, evapotranspiration potential, lysimeters, irrigation.