International Journal of Agroforestry and Silviculture

ISSN 2375-1096

International Journal of Agroforestry and Silviculture ISSN: 2375-1096 Vol. 10 (8), pp. 001-012, August, 2022. © International Scholars Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Growth of shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa G F. Gaertn.) seedlings in semi-arid agroforestry systems of Burkina Faso under in situ climatic factors

Sibiry Albert Kaboré 1*, Brigitte Bastide2, Bokary Allaye Kelly3, Mahesh Poudyal4 and Joseph Issaka Boussim5

1University Center of Tenkodogo, Thomas SANKARA University (UTS), 01 BP 1757 Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

2Department of Environment and Forest DEF/INERA - Station of Farako-Bâ - BP 910 Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.

3Institute of Rural Economy, Regional Center of Agronomic Research of Sikasso, BP 178, Sikasso, Mali.

4School of Environment, Natural Resources and Geography, Bangor University, Bangor, United Kingdom.

5Laboratory of Plant Biology and Ecology, University Joseph KI-ZERBO - 03 BP 848 Ouagadougou 03 Burkina Faso.

Accepted 07 April, 2022 


Shea trees (Vitellaria paradoxa) are the most preferred tree species in agroforestry parklands and widely used in West Africa semi-arid areas. However, the number of shea trees in parklands declines where fruits are extensively harvested. This study aims to assess seasonal factors and land-use practices on the growth of young plants. The research questions were: (i) how do the recruitment, the mortality and the growth of juveniles occur during the year; and (ii) how does land-use affect the regeneration? The study was carried out at the South Sudanian climatic zone of Burkina Faso. Stratified and randomised sampling was used to set-up seventeen (17) plots in six (6) types of land-use. Monthly counting and growth measurement of the juveniles were performed on 4011 seedlings. The results show that during the dry season, the stems of 54 % to 84 % of the juveniles dried. Bush fires have negative impact on regeneration survival. Dry individuals regenerate during the wet season. The best average growth of juveniles recorded was 1.7 cm (p< 0.001) over ten months. It will be better to adopt assisted natural regeneration to rejuvenate shea trees in farmlands and to select tolerant individuals to the dryness climatic conditions for plantation.

Keywords: Plant growth, regeneration, shea tree, seedlings, semi-arid zone Burkina Faso.